Culture Club: Demystifying the squishy side of business

That company culture matters isn’t a controversial idea. But considering its importance, there are few resources for diagnosing and designing it.
Enter: Culture Club. Each week, we dig into a topic connected to culture, with the goal of making it understandable—and practical—for everyone.

If you’re just getting started with Culture Club, start here:

  1. What is company culture? Why does it matter?

  2. The simple questions that reveal your company’s culture

  3. What kind of organizational culture are you working in?: A guide to the different kinds of company cultures out there.

Subscribe to Culture Club

Demystifying the squishy side of business, creating practical tools to harness it.


Daisy Linden has a lifelong passion for company culture and employee experience. She's spent her career working with Fortune 500 companies to ask and answer the human questions that help drive business results.